Our Purpose

Team Rebel is a group of extreme anglers that were assembled by founder Zach "The Hammer" Miller. Team Rebel is quickly rising up the fishing ranks to national prominence, while keeping their own edge and style as they are kicking down the doors in the extreme angling entertainment industry. Team Rebel can only be described as  "A rock band that got stuck on a drift boat for too long" and many people in the fishing world and entertainment industry are intrigued, yet mystified by their edge, attitude,accomplishments and style. Team Rebel is on the cutting edge of expeditionary style angling and is world renowned for pushing the envelope to accomplish extraordinary angling feats, all while carrying a strong message of conservation about the wildlife we encounter in our expeditions.This is done all while we fight for anglers rights all across the state. We are experts in the department of shark fishing, land-based fishing, as well as shark fishing historians. Our quest will never end, as our pursuit to accomplish what many deem impossible is what drives us to put our life and own safety on the line to flatten the box of ordinary, and promote a misunderstood and mostly forgotten style of extreme angling in a way that old school sport is met with a new age twist. Join them, as cast off on our quest to rock the angling and scientific world, all while achieving our goals in ways that many may label them "Insane".

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Welcome to the Show!!

      Welcome all! To the official launch of TeamRebelFishing.com! We are very excited to be back and ready to throw it down harder than ever before! We have taken the last year to regroup, re-gather, and re-think our angling techniques. And after all our research and endless dedication to the sport, we have come back with new techniques to add onto our "crush the box" philosophy. I have brought together some of the best shorebound angling talent available along with some of the new blood withing the sport. Unbelieveable angling feats is our business along with a stern and strong message about conservation and responsibility within the sport. But be warned! We at Team Rebel have infact cracked the code along with the help of some of our greatest influences, cracked the code to the giant sharks, and will not be denied some of the most spectacular angling feats that have ever been seen, beach or boat. So stay tuned for reports ranging over a broad spectrum of species, and all the latest news and info reguarding sharks and the land-based movement,  with opinionated insight on the issues of the day. So stick around and make this a stop on your daily internet cruise log as content will be added daily or bi-daily to keep this fresh and informative. The story of the Hammer in the banner will follow soon, along with an even BIGGER suprise later on! So stay tuned, and thanks for visiting "The Greatest Show on Surf!"


-Zach Miller

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Reader Comments (2)

Congratulations on your Web Site Launch, Thanks for your support for Catch and Release Shark Fishing.
I behind ya, 100%

May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBoatless Fisherman

Great site Zach, Congrats

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