Our Purpose

Team Rebel is a group of extreme anglers that were assembled by founder Zach "The Hammer" Miller. Team Rebel is quickly rising up the fishing ranks to national prominence, while keeping their own edge and style as they are kicking down the doors in the extreme angling entertainment industry. Team Rebel can only be described as  "A rock band that got stuck on a drift boat for too long" and many people in the fishing world and entertainment industry are intrigued, yet mystified by their edge, attitude,accomplishments and style. Team Rebel is on the cutting edge of expeditionary style angling and is world renowned for pushing the envelope to accomplish extraordinary angling feats, all while carrying a strong message of conservation about the wildlife we encounter in our expeditions.This is done all while we fight for anglers rights all across the state. We are experts in the department of shark fishing, land-based fishing, as well as shark fishing historians. Our quest will never end, as our pursuit to accomplish what many deem impossible is what drives us to put our life and own safety on the line to flatten the box of ordinary, and promote a misunderstood and mostly forgotten style of extreme angling in a way that old school sport is met with a new age twist. Join them, as cast off on our quest to rock the angling and scientific world, all while achieving our goals in ways that many may label them "Insane".

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Our Influences:



How did we begin this quest? Unfortunately we can't take credit for everything, over the years there have been many people whom have inspired us to go that extra mile and push the envelope further than anybody else ever has in most circumstances. This is where we will give a thank you to the pioneers and influences whom made us want to be better, fish harder, push ourselves to breaking points and to the brink of death to be able to accomplish some of the most extreme angling feats ever witnessed.


Herb Goodman-


Herb Goodman was the "original" land-based shark fisherman as well as the hometown guy. Though the sport has a rich history this is the man who helped start it all. With his endless pursuit of giants from shore and his innovative angling techniques that most people write off as common knowledge, Herb was the one who pioneered some of the simplest of tricks such as using balloons to deploy baits, and even created a remote control boat in the 1960's to deploy his baits. A man forgotten with time, but will never be forgotten here at Team Rebel, his catches have withstood the test of time along with his innovative techniques.There will be much more on this legend in the near future


Zac "The Machine" Meyer-

A true shark fishing bad-ass! Zac has been roaming the eastern coast of Florida his entire life, and where he goes, there's bound to be big sharks not too far behind. He is the mastermind behind the legendary "Team Oldskool" and has recorded record numbers, and sizes of sharks to which the likes have never been seen. He is one of the first to use the long range bucket harnesses on the beach, and also one of the earliest pioneers of "The River" fishery. He is also responsible for bringing the land-based shark fishing in Florida into the mainstream and across the web, starting a revolution with new techniques, and heavy conservation efforts within the sport. He is still very active today and we credit a lot of techniques we use today to him and his innovative style of fishing and the trophy catches he has landed and released using these proven methods. Zac was, and still is one of the best that has ever entered this sport, and with many more years ahead of him who knows what else he can add to his un-matched resume. Rock on Machine!


The Paxton Bros.-

The "Shark Brothers" themselves, Brooks and Sean Paxton. Over the years they have brought upon a new wave of recognition and ways on conservation to the sport of Land-Based shark fishing. By launching the International Land Based Shark Fishing Association (ILSFA), they popularized the length/girth formula within the land-based community. This helping to finally take another huge step forward in conservation of shark species, and to be able to finally get an accurate weight on fish without having to string them up from a scale dead at the dock later on. Also they were among some of the first to begin the tagging of sharks captured from shore for various tagging programs across the country. Their strides they have made within the sport are definitely changing the views and values of the fisherman whom hunt these sharks, making the sport mainly conservation based as opposed to the slaughters that occurred in the 1970's and 80's. Rest assure as land based shark fishing progresses as a sport, these two will definitely be at the fore front!


Walter Maxwell-

Walter Maxwell was another of the pioneers listed here, but his record 1780lb Tiger shark he caught off Cherry Grove Pier in South Carolina still stands to this day as the largest tiger shark ever caught on rod and reel, and by far the largest shark ever captured from a land-based structure. He still also owns the North Carolina state record Tiger shark which was captured off Yaupon pier. He did one thing and one thing alone, hunt giant sharks when nobody else did. Walter figured it out and became a master at what he did and possibly the greatest ever. His accomplishments may never be topped again from a boat, none the less a land-based structure.