Team Rebel Report 12-11-10 "Saga of the Spider Eaters"

It has been a great year for us here at Team Rebel, and after our last capture, we decided it was time to get back to somewhat less stressful angling until the year runs out. Permit is now the new species of target for us as we get ready to ring in the next decade into the young millenium, so after working hard to gather some crustaceans, we geared up and headed towrd the shoreline. Unfortunately for myself I fell ill over the past few days, as I am convinced that the influx of snow-birds to our region have brought disease as well as bad driving along with them this year as is the norm, so Tyler and another friend that we will call "Freshwater Rob" went out in search of the legendary prowler of the flats.
It was a crisp, cool night that began slowly, as many fishing trips do here in the winter months, but with Rob and Tyler being permit virgins, they were out to lay the hammer down on anything that made a pass at the fresh crabs being presented in one of our hallowed permit spots on the coast-line. Robert deployed the first line to test the water out, and to his and many others surprise, his reel let out a steady roll within a few short moments of being sat down. After a short fight "Freshwater Rob had successfully put his first Yellow-Bellied Spider Eater on the sand, and with a few quick pictures the cute little guy was set back into the surf gently to continue his crustacean consuming ways.
Tyler was now a bit jealous that Freshwater Rob had came into the saltwater department and stole the thunder, so Tyler was now hell-bent on matching Robs latest capture. About twenty minutes after the Robs fish was released, Tylers rod got a short run, he leaned into the fish and the short yet sporadic battle was on. After a few short minutes Tyler put the twin brother of Rob's fish on the beach, and after a few quick pictures, Tylers first permit was released back into the surf to resume its normal lifestyle as well.
All I can say is not a bad job guys! While I was stuck in bed huffing the Vap-O-Rub, you guys went out and popped both your permit cherries, and are now huffing on the sweet aroma of success! Congrats again to both of you, and we hope you got your practice for what is coming up next for Team Rebel......
So until next time.............
Team Rebel Out!