Entries in Tiger shark (2)
Human Remains found in Bahamian Tiger Shark

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Like a scene from the movie "Jaws", a large tiger shark was brought back to port on the Bahamian island of Exuma after a fishing trip, but this 12ft tiger shark wasn't brought back to dock to be hung for a couple of trophy photos, beheaded, then thrown into the water to rot,this was a much different reason.
A few anglers were out fishing roughly 35miles when they captured a large tiger shark and brought it boat side with the intent of releasing it, that is until it regurgitated a large piece of human flesh next to the boat. That is when the decision was made to terminate the shark and bring it back to port and see what the deal was. Well, the shark bit off a little more than it could chew apparently, as seen in the photo below.
OUCH!!! Not a good way to end a day of fishing! I must say though all the parts of the corpse were in the sharks stomach, minus the head.......... Suspicious, I know, but as of right now the Bahamian authorities are performing DNA testing right now in an effort to identify the remains found in the stomach.
But the part about this that is REALLY grinding my gears right now is the fact that there is actually extremist activists groups here and there PROTESTING the killing of this shark, seriously people, it isnt ever good to see a dead shark, we here at Team Rebel echo those sentiments, but at the same time it REGURGITATED A HUMAN, the shark needed to be brought back to port to obtain the rest of the corpse so MAYBE a family who has a loved one missing can get some sort of closure. The shark ate a person and the fisherman are no better than the shark for killing it, WRONG, these fisherman did the right thing when presented with such a gruesome situation, you can't just let the fish swim away and tell everybody it coughed up a piece of a person "but you let it go", its a crime scene now people, get a life.
Anyways, it has been quiet here at Team Rebel's headquarters as of late, but we are looking into laying into some beasts very shortly as the mullet run is upon us!
So keep an eye out because we will be back VERY shortly and stronger than ever! Until next time............Team Rebel out!!
For more information on this story check out-